Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Spineless Republicans and the La Raza War

Why are Republicans so spineless? Love them or hate them, at least thecrazy left is willing to fight for possession of this country.
Look at "LaRaza"-they are openly calling for war against European-Americans. (They don't like blacks much either).

Then there are the attacks by the left against Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh. Name the Republican that has stood up against these attacks. It certainly wouldn't be Hatch, Graham, McCain, Spector, Martinez, Lugar,Lott, Kyl, Craig, Hagel, Brownback or Ensign. Ten of these twelve are outright turncoats. They would all fit comfortably in the Democratic partyand love giving America to the illegals. So, at best, you have 36-37 Republican Senators and even some of them are suspect.

When you study the numbers you realize why we can't get sensible legislation and why we have to fight like hell to stop a cloture (60+) vote on bad legislation. So will the Republicans have enough votes to sustain a veto of the S-CHIP legislation that increase the current cost from $9 Billion to $32-60Billion? It will be nip & tuck because most of the spineless politicians will not stand up to reign in spending. They will simply vote to buy thevotes they need to get re-elected.

However, there is one hope. If they can convince 22 million non-smokers people to smoke at least a pack a day, they can hold the excess spending to about $20 billion. Guess they're all silent salesman for the cigarette companies. Remember: The major concern with CHAMP & SCHIP (respectively from eachchamber) is that this bill increases illegal immigration costs to Americans.The R. J. reported that 2/3 of the state's children on this program are Spanish Speaking.

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