Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Jobs of Illegals

Becoming active in a political movement is the most enthralling, the most terrifying, and the most complex task I have ever participated in.

I like to arrange the events in my life according to that formula, and up until now, I had settled on my marriage, and subsequent divorce as the hardest undertaking. Now, I look back with a sigh of relief and an incredulous giggle--HA! That was a piece of cake compared to becoming involved with a political cause.

Then, I was fighting against ONE idiot. Now, I'm taking on an entire nation of complacent unscrupulous liberal individuals that are so caught up in steadying the boat that any deviation from the formula is unheard of. I find myself frustrated at times by the complete lack of backbone that is necessary to stand up against people who want to do nothing but shut you up by calling you a racist, and thereby continue their money making ventures. That's right, I said it. Letting illegals into this country is about money. That's all. It's not even about the money they are making, even illegal supporters don't really care about their welfare. Look at the jobs that criminal employers are giving them: Construction, cleaning, hospitality, farming---very physical, back breaking work. The most common argument that I have heard FOR the continued practice of illegal immigration is this: they do jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

What? Is that the best you have? So, there is a job out there, that an illegal is doing, that JUST HAS TO BE DONE SO BADLY that without the filling of that job the United States will cease to prosper. Just let me get this straight....we want to continue to let illegals in unchecked, so that our convenience is still maintained? Wow...I think that line of logic, or lack thereof, was used by Slavery Supporters 400 years ago. Really, now, who is the racist is this argument?


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